Treatment of fear of exams, students have to walk on pieces of glass

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Indian state of Gujarat to allay the fears of students a teacher has found a unique treatment. He told his disciples that if they want to increase their self-esteem, then they would walk barefoot on pieces of glass. Pupils also work on learning rather than teacher obeyed and walked barefoot on pieces of glass. Pieces of glass were scattered on four feet above the students walk barefoot. The injured student was not any dangerous treatments. It also noted that the children's parents were asked to join in the training phase. - foreign news agency reported on Indian TV channels have broadcast the video of the incident. Finding a unique way to boost self-esteem Rakesh Patel, a teacher in the state of Gujarat Vadodara run a coaching center. He said that the style of training is a science behind it. By doing so, the fear in the minds of students and self-distrust is eliminated. Bhupndrasn cudasama Gujarat Education Minister has ordered an investigation into the incident.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.