8:10 PM 0 Comments

... JD's main gathering mynbd Fajr prayer huyy.asr after the first session of the National Conference was the first ruzkl six seats.
... Coming from far away who have mynarpakstan convoys sides of the chopper kasdyd bhawrha all traffic.
... Srkaءkukus across town to greet reception camps 97
Tent accommodation for participants to ... bstyunky name illustrious Sahaabah were laid upon them both ajmayn names, tent settlements Kalima force was waving the flag.
... Tight security arrangements have been gathering thy.tmam walk thrugyts entrances and CCTV cameras were installed
... For the security of the auditorium more than 15,000 volunteers perform their duties constantly patrolling around the auditorium had been rhy..ghrsuardsth
... Srkaءkumkml frisked intend allowed the auditorium.
... Gathering the most important position "ideology of Pakistan, Pakistan is co" was the name of the national conference held this afternoon at three o'clock in the country's political, religious and Kashmiri parties addressed
... JD's gathering colleges, yunyurstyyz, the number of students attending religious schools
... Muhammadia Students served the reception, Muhammadia rzakarsrkaءajtmaa have guided thousands of students.
... JD cyber team by gathering hundreds of people gathering on the Social Media Gallery knitting gyy.susl Networks Business kubrah updates directly kyajatarha
... By Falah Foundation, in a stunning display kaanaqad kyagyajs Tharparkar, models were kept water project in Balochistan
... Falah Foundation auditorium rhyn.as 70 ambulances on duty to perform rescue teams to tackle any nakusguaruaqay mujudrhyn
... The first day of the gathering srkaءmyn see tremendous enthusiasm by aya.srkaءajtmaa "What ksmyryunsy relationship, Laa ilaaha .... Saeed Step forward, we are with you" crack the panel raised


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.