Tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia expressed concern over Pakistan

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Pakistan tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran have expressed concern over the attack on the Saudi embassy in Tehran was regrettable. Foreign Office spokesman said the embassies and diplomatic protection is the responsibility of the state. Islamic extremist forces could take advantage of hypocrisy. Muslim conflict in the interest of both countries peacefully negotiated solution should be. The challenge of terrorism requires both countries to work together. According to the spokesman, Pathankot Pakistan has strongly condemned the terrorist attack. Pakistan also expressed deepest condolences to the Indian government and people. Pathankot attack is in touch with the Pakistan government. Attacks on the information provided by the Indian government are working. Mzkraty the two countries should be committed to maintenance.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.