Karate Kid: 7-year-old gained a black belt

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UK City salford 7-year-old child from Julian lypala not only doubled their children participate in competitions with a wink, but his hands are broken bricks. Julian lypala only seven years old and I have a black belt in karate, has surprised everyone. And martial arts master Jackie Chan action movies, the crown of King Julien believe the ideal lypala only 4 years old had already started training karate. Julian lypala Korean Bilik belt in karate, has received the celebrated Tang Du sleep
Lausanne lypala Julian's father told the foreign media that the two year old son is a fan of Jackie Chan. In such a small age he began to imitate Jackie Chan. We are fond of keeping it won the karate training. Lausanne said that Julian lypala Little Ninja Fight. This child is naturally very high


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.